
Friday, October 29, 2021

Ravishing RE

Kia ora bloggers,

For the past two weeks we needed to make a video about the Rosary. You could ether do it independently, with a buddy or in a group of three. I choose to do mine with a buddy and I did it with Lauren, Lauren and I made a biteable. When we were learning about the Rosary we watched a video, and a couple articles and also read about the mysteries. When our teacher was searching for video to put on our learn create, share there was no good videos on youtube so our create was to make a RE video and if it was amazing it could be posted on youtube. It was super fun I really enjoyed making the biteable.

Click Here For My Create

Did you learn anything from my bitable??

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Magnificent Maths

Kia Ora Bloggers,

This week for maths we had three different goals to prove. My first goal is round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, then my other goal was say the numbers 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less and my last goal is round decimals to the nearest whole number. 

In our workshop we did practice questions so we would know what the create were.

My create was to create a poster or a video explaining the goals, I decided to make a poster on a google slide so all my goals would be on one doc. I really enjoyed this create because I got to make three different creates and got to learn lot of new things.

Here is my create:

Do you know what number you would round 5433 to?

Friday, October 22, 2021

Gospel Refection

Kia Ora Bloggers,

This week for RE we have been learning about Mark 10:  35 - 45 
Lauren and I made an Animation on this weeks gospel. We needed to include a clear understanding of the gospel.

The main massage  of the gospel is if you want to be great be a servant.

I think we did well in our work this week because we gave a clear understanding of the gospel this week.

I think we did a really good job and there is nothing I think I can do beater what do you think?  

Here is My Create...

What do you think of My work this week?


Kia Ora Bloggers,

This week for reading we had two goals we needed prove. Our Goals were to use reference sources (e.g.,online/ dictionaries and thesauruses, google ‘define’ ) to find the meanings of new words Ask higher level questions about the text, such as 'why' and 'how'. Make connections between Texts.

In our workshop we read an article called Possum Problem, while reading the article we made questions. After the workshop we wrote five words we did not know from the text and went online dictionaries and thesauruses' to find out the meaning of those words.

Here is my word meanings doc:

Now moving on to our create. Our create was to make up five questions using why, how and should.

Here is my create:

Can you make up 3 question to do with possums?